Welcome to your local professional denturist

Natural looking dentures: Smile with confidence

Whether you are an existing patient or these are your first dentures, we are here to talk you through the process and help you get a great result.

At Southbourne Grove Denture Clinic Ltd, we understand how important your smile is to you and the worries that can arise when you first learn that you need dentures.

Our highly skilled dental technician uses high quality materials and works with close attention to detail, producing natural-looking dentures which are comfortable to wear and leave you looking and feeling amazing.

What can we offer you?

  • All impressions and fitting done in-house
  • Consultation available to discuss your needs
  • Dentists’ referrals accepted
  • Alterations included where required
  • Full range of dentures

  • Flexible dentures
  • Implant – retained dentures
  • Chromes
  • Partial dentures
  • Full dentures
  • Chrome dentures
  • Sports mouthguard
  • Visit us today for a wide range of services from our friendly team

    Our Clinical Dental Technician Tim Foster Dip CDT RCS(Eng) BTEC, HNC, RDT, FBACDT, carries out all denture repairs and denture making on-site so you can see our work in progress. We are always happy to offer advice and information about any area of our work.

    Visit us today for a wide range of services from our friendly team

    Our Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) Tim Foster, carries out all denture repairs and denture making on-site so you can see our work in progress. We are always happy to offer advice and information about any area of our work.

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    Are you looking for great set of natural looking dentures? Call Southbourne Grove Denture Clinic Ltd on

    01702 345 648